143 research outputs found

    Coding for Errors and Erasures in Random Network Coding

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    The problem of error-control in random linear network coding is considered. A ``noncoherent'' or ``channel oblivious'' model is assumed where neither transmitter nor receiver is assumed to have knowledge of the channel transfer characteristic. Motivated by the property that linear network coding is vector-space preserving, information transmission is modelled as the injection into the network of a basis for a vector space VV and the collection by the receiver of a basis for a vector space UU. A metric on the projective geometry associated with the packet space is introduced, and it is shown that a minimum distance decoder for this metric achieves correct decoding if the dimension of the space VUV \cap U is sufficiently large. If the dimension of each codeword is restricted to a fixed integer, the code forms a subset of a finite-field Grassmannian, or, equivalently, a subset of the vertices of the corresponding Grassmann graph. Sphere-packing and sphere-covering bounds as well as a generalization of the Singleton bound are provided for such codes. Finally, a Reed-Solomon-like code construction, related to Gabidulin's construction of maximum rank-distance codes, is described and a Sudan-style ``list-1'' minimum distance decoding algorithm is provided.Comment: This revised paper contains some minor changes and clarification

    A Low Complexity Algorithm and Architecture for Systematic Encoding of Hermitian Codes

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    We present an algorithm for systematic encoding of Hermitian codes. For a Hermitian code defined over GF(q^2), the proposed algorithm achieves a run time complexity of O(q^2) and is suitable for VLSI implementation. The encoder architecture uses as main blocks q varying-rate Reed-Solomon encoders and achieves a space complexity of O(q^2) in terms of finite field multipliers and memory elements.Comment: 5 Pages, Accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT 200

    An information-theoretic view of network management

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    We present an information-theoretic framework for network management for recovery from nonergodic link failures. Building on recent work in the field of network coding, we describe the input-output relations of network nodes in terms of network codes. This very general concept of network behavior as a code provides a way to quantify essential management information as that needed to switch among different codes (behaviors) for different failure scenarios. We compare two types of recovery schemes, receiver-based and network-wide, and consider two formulations for quantifying network management. The first is a centralized formulation where network behavior is described by an overall code determining the behavior of every node, and the management requirement is taken as the logarithm of the number of such codes that the network may switch among. For this formulation, we give bounds, many of which are tight, on management requirements for various network connection problems in terms of basic parameters such as the number of source processes and the number of links in a minimum source-receiver cut. Our results include a lower bound for arbitrary connections and an upper bound for multitransmitter multicast connections, for linear receiver-based and network-wide recovery from all single link failures. The second is a node-based formulation where the management requirement is taken as the sum over all nodes of the logarithm of the number of different behaviors for each node. We show that the minimum node-based requirement for failures of links adjacent to a single receiver is achieved with receiver-based schemes

    On Network Coding of Independent and Dependent Sources in Line Networks

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    We investigate the network coding capacity for line networks. For independent sources and a special class of dependent sources, we fully characterize the capacity region of line networks for all possible demand structures (e.g., multiple unicast, mixtures of unicasts and multicasts, etc.) Our achievability bound is derived by first decomposing a line network into single-demand components and then adding the component rate regions to get rates for the parent network. For general dependent sources, we give an achievability result and provide examples where the result is and is not tight